Before you purchase a home espresso machine

Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favorite corner cafe for the perfect cup of espresso, consider making your own at home. If the thought of becoming a kitchen barista has you shaking without any caffeine, think again! A wide variety of espresso machines are made for home use, from the basic to the same machines used by professionals. However, before you drop hundreds of dollars on that top-of-the-line espresso machine, consider your options and needs. Also, if you are experiencing sticker shock from some of the higher-end espresso machines, keep in mind that you are saving a great deal daily by avoiding high-priced indulgences at coffee shops or cafes.

The first thing you should know before choosing a home espresso machine is that there are several different varieties of machines. Each type will come with a different price tag and different capabilities. Although the top-of-the-line machine may be nice, it may not necessarily meet your needs. Instead of buying an espresso machine simply because it is deemed "the best," buy a machine that you can (and will) use regularly. 

The different types of home espresso machines are:

Pump Espresso: Typically, what you will find in a coffee shop, a pump espresso machine is usually made for commercial purposes but can be used in your home. Be prepared to expand your budget if you want to purchase a pump espresso machine since they are typically the priciest. Also, pump espresso machines are usually the largest, heaviest, and noisiest options, but they produce a fantastic cup of espresso. These machines work by using a pump to keep the water pressure at an appropriate level.

Piston Espresso: If you are looking for a great, low-maintenance espresso machine, consider those than run on a piston or lever system. Instead of a pump to create pressure, these machines use a level that must be maneuvered to create steam. Although a piston espresso machine is very quiet, it may require a great deal of arm strength to pull on the lever continually. Furthermore, the piston espresso machine can make a great cup of espresso, but it may take practice to get the hang of the process.

Steam Espresso: Using steam to create pressure to make the espresso, these steam-powered espresso machines are typically the type found in the home. With smaller machines that occupy less space and cost less money, steam espresso machines are quick and easy to use. However, keep in mind that the steam produced may not provide the appropriate level of pressure, so the steam level should be constantly maintained.

Moka Pots: Moka Pots are a stovetop method for producing espresso. The process is simple and easy, although the final product may be "less than professional." Using a specially designed two-part pot, the steam produced by the water boiling in the bottom is forced into the top part of the pot, where the coffee is boiling. It requires much less pressure than other home espresso machines, but there are no milk-frothing or foaming attachments, so you may have to sacrifice that feature for price and size.

Any one of these different home espresso machines will allow you to make a delicious cup of espresso. Your choice should be based on needs, usability, the overall size of the machine, and of course, the price. A high-end espresso machine can run up a bill in the thousands of dollars.


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